IVR Announcement Voice Over
In local business, they are radio advertisements prepared to be broadcast only on Turkish radios, and in the content of this service, advertisement production service is provided by BiberSA Production Voice Over & Dubbing Agency. All production needs such as advertising copy writing, voiceover and sound design are offered to our customers within this service.
IVR Announcement Voice Over Service
When a customer calls your company, the on-hold phone announcement or music is the first impression they get of your company. If the customer is comfortable and well-treated, it will be helpful for later communication. We, as BiberSA Production, will welcome your customers who call your company's switchboard line in Turkish and foreign languages so that you can create this first impression effectively. dubbing We provide service.
For examples of IVR announcements, you can listen to our references on our page and from our sound bank You can get offers from us with the voices of our expert voice-over staff and the central background music you will choose. IVR announcement voiceover services "the same day" is being delivered.
Details and price information about IVR voiceover service. Contact You can get it by contacting our customer representative on our page.
How to Select the Switchboard Voice?
The common point for all sectors in IVR announcements is that the voice of the exchange is sincere and sincere. Apart from this, we would like to draw attention to a few details in order to choose the corporate voice of the switchboard that will answer your company's calls and direct them to the right departments while you are working. First of all, the sector in which your company is located is important in terms of sound selection. For example, if you are an educational institution on a sectoral basis, or if you are a hospital or health institution, your choice of central voice should be more reassuring female or male central voices. Another issue will be to direct the customer in the shortest way without prolonging the sentences in order not to keep the customer waiting on the phone. We proceed by taking these points into consideration in our projects.
Frequently Asked Questions
Günde en az 100-200 tane çağrı alan ve bu çağrıların her birine cevap vermek üzere yüksek oranda istihtam sağlayan bir çağrı merkezi kurduğunuzu düşünün. Büyük firmalar adına, maliyetli bir yöntemle sadece telefon üzerinden çalışıp, soru ve problemlerine cevap bulamayan müşterilere hizmet veriyorsunuz. Oysa ki böylesi büyük bir maliyet altında kalmak yerine çok daha az ve tek seferlik maliyetle IVR santral sistemleri (sesli yanıt sistemi) kurup, ivr seslendirme hizmeti alıp, gelen çağrılara bilgi ve yönlendirme amaçlı destek sunulabilir. Ancak bu aşamada ivr seslendirmesi çok önemli. Zira gereksiz uzunlukta bir metin ile sıradan bir sese yaptırılan ivr seslendirme hizmeti şirket profilinde önemli puan düşüşlerine sebebiyet verebiliyor. Araştırmalara göre şirketiniz ile ilk kez etkileşime geçen bir müşterinin şirketiniz için yaptığı genel değerlendirmedeki payı %40 oranında. Bunun için şiddetle profesyonel ivr seslendirme hizmeti almanız öneriliyor. BiberSA Prodüksiyon olarak bu konuda profesyonel santral seslerimiz ile hizmet sunuyoruz.
Corporate companies no longer want to employ staff who look directly at the phone due to cost and time loss. Recently, this need is met by smart phone exchanges. Smart switchboards are equipped with voice recognition feature, voice command detection, and voice response. Customers who call corporate companies are directed to the desired subscriber by the smart phone receiver, they can get information or perform the necessary transactions by dialing the phone without the need for human support. At the beginning of the most important points in smart phone exchanges, it is very important that the greeter, namely the voice-over, speaks with an impressive voice and in a fast and fluent language without boring the calling subscriber.
The mission of BiberSA Production begins at this point. BiberSA Production prepares announcements in line with this strategy with professional central voices and presents them to you. We give voice to corporate companies with our professional male and female voices. This service is called “ivr voice over service” in the sector. “ivr announce” is the name of this action.
Sunduğunuz hizmetlerde firma imajını belirleyen ilk adım şüphesiz telefon hizmetlerindeki karşılamanız ile başlar. Dolayısıyla da müşterilerinizi karşılayan ses, firma imajını üst seviyede tutmak için doğru bir ses olmalıdır. Bazı kurumlar ivr seslendirme hizmetini gereksiz bularak kurum içerisinden sıradan bir sese seslendirme yaptırmaktadırlar ancak bu çok yanlıştır. Kurumunuzu telefonda arayan müşteriniz karşılama yapan kişinin ses tonundan, ön yargıları sebebi ile firmanızın profil analizini yapmabilmektedir. Bu ilk profil değerlendirmesi kurumunuzun genel değerlendirmesi içerisinde %40’lık bir paya sahiptir. Bu sebeplerle santral karşılama sesinin seçimi konusunda profesyonel seslerle çalışmanız çok önemlidir.
“Telephone welcome” or “switchboard welcome announcements” are purchased under the name of “ivr voice over service”. If your company needs a professional voice that meets your customers on the phone, we, as BiberSA Production Voice Over & Dubbing Agency, offer you the best sound for your institution with the most affordable budgets with our experienced voice actors who are experts in this field. You can choose the right voice for your company by listening to the ivr announcements previously voiced by the voice actors from our sound bank, or you can choose the right voice for your company by getting phone support from our voiceover directors.
We would like to remind you that every sound you choose by listening to the demos from the sound bank, which includes professional voice actors, works against a stamp price. For this reason, prices vary according to the selected voiceover.
In addition, ivr voiceover prices are priced over word unit prices. Therefore, the final budgeting “word count + stamp price of selected voiceover” taken into account.
Professional voices within BiberSA Production Voice Over & Dubbing Agency work with the average stamp price in the market. Moreover, we do not charge additional fees such as agency commission for the services we offer.
Hold background music is the music used behind the ivr announcements. Generally, calm and relaxing music is preferred. However, the sector in which the company operates should also be taken into account in the selection of music. Our agency offers professional solutions with stock music or original music according to customer preference.
Within the scope of IVR voice-over service, music is definitely used in general welcome announcements, not in short announcements. Since it will be a signature of your music institution, the selection should be made carefully. In the IVR (voice response) voice over service, music is used according to the customer's preference.
The service fee with stock music also includes the stamp fee of the voiceover. Original music for the brand, service or product is offered as an additional option to the service. You can also request a quote for the prices of original switchboard holding music.
We recommend that you pay attention to copyright when using central hold music. Because you can face serious criminal sanctions for copyright. As BiberSA Production, we deliver the copyrights of the switchboard hold music we deliver with signed and stamped documents.