Cars Movie Voice Cast
The comedy-adventure animation "Cars", produced by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney, was released in 2006. The animated series, which is watched with great enthusiasm by audiences of all ages even today, has influenced the childhood years of many of us. This successful animated movie was dubbed in our country as well as all over the world. In the voice cast of the movie "Cars", successful dubbings that left their mark with their voices and that can be called a movie again have emerged.
The most famous voice actors of our country such as Yekta Kopan, Berna Başer, Sezai Aydın, Erdal Tosun and Cem Yılmaz are included in the cast of "Cars".. In the continuation of your content, we will discuss the names of the voice-over team of the Cars animation series, which has managed to reach a large fan base since 2006. We wish you pleasant reading in advance!
Who Is Lightning Mcqueen Voiced?
The Cars movie series is about the events of Lightning Mcqueen, who was cast as the lead character. “Yekta Kopan, our Turkish voice actor who performed the role of "Şimşek Mcqueen" is happening. Yekta Kopan has reflected her difference in this sector to us in the voiceover of Şimşek Mcqueen, as in all the movie characters she has voiced.
Yekta Kopan, who has voiced the Turkish voices of Hollywood's successful actors such as Jim Carrey, has managed to fascinate us by moving all the projects she has been involved in dubbing since her childhood years to the next level. He is in the voice cast of Şimşek Mcgueen and is the sought-after name of many animated films, especially "Ice Age".
Yekta Kopan, who managed to combine the Turkish accent and intonation rules in the voice of Arabalar Şimşek Mcqueen, and the emotions the character experienced throughout the movie, by performing the voice of the same character in the first two films of this animation, she succeeded in conveying her voice talents to us, the audience.
Who is the Turkish Voice Over Artist of Hudson Hornet?
Another character who helps Lightning Mcqueen the most and also appears as his teacher throughout the movie is the “Hudson Hornet”. Hudson Hornet is played by Paul Newman. Our famous voice actor, who combines the fatherly feelings of the Hudson Hornet character with his tone of voice, is Erhan Abir, among those who voiced the movie "Cars" in our country.
Erhan Abir, who has been engraved in our minds with his performance as a role in nearly a hundred theater plays, has also taken part in the dubbing of many successful film projects as well as the voice cast of Arabalar. Our talented voice actor, who usually voices cute and fatherly old characters and French movie characters, passed away in 2016.
Who is the Turkish Voice Over Artist of Mater?
"Towing Mater", the cutest character in the Cars movie series, is also Lightning Mcqueen's best friend. Mater, who made a throne in our hearts with his sympathetic speech and affectionate movements, was voiced by Osman Gidişoğlu, one of the Arabalar voice actors.r.
We know Osman Gidişoğlu, who has a very different tone of voice among the dubbing artists of cars, from many TV series and film projects such as "Children Do Not Hear", "Order Commander, Organized Jobs and Your Child Has a Problem". Our famous voice actor, who managed to show his talents in acting in projects in the dubbing and dubbing industry, passed away in 2013.
Cars Movie Voice Cast
In addition to the characters of Şimşek Mcqueen, Hudson Hornet and Çekici Mater, many of our voice actors in our country were included in the cast of Arabalar dubbing. The names of our talented artists who give voice to the other characters of the animation are as follows:
Berna Baser – Sally
Among the voice actors of the cars is Berna Başer, who gives voice to the character of "Sally" in the animated series.. Berna Başer, who started to perform on the radio by passing the TRT exam in her childhood, is best known for the voiceovers of Penelope Cruz and Sandra Bullock.
Hakan Vanli – King Weathers
Hakan Vanlı, who left his mark on the movie with the voice of the "King Weathers" character, appears as another voice actor in the "Cars" dubbing cast. We know him well from many projects that left their mark on the Turkish TV series and film industry, such as "Asmalı Konak and Bizim Aile". Hakan Vanlı also gave life to the voices of many Hollywood stars such as Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson and Ronald Reagan.
Ali Akbar Diribas – Chick Hicks
The voices of the movie Cars Our next dubbing artist on our list is Ali Ekber Diribaş. Our voice actor who gives life to the character of “Chick Hicks”; He also dubbed Agent Smith in The Matrix and Brendan Fraser in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. He also took part in the voice cast of the "Toy Story" series in addition to the Cars animation.
Ali Dusenkalkar – Ramone
With the character "Ramone" cars dubbing caste Ali Dusenkalkar is one of the most popular actors of our country. Ali Dusenkalkar, the sought-after name of many Turkish TV series and film projects, has managed to impress us with his acting performance in the "Hanimin Farm" series.
Sezai Aydin – Luigi
cars voiceover Another successful name of the staff is Sezai Aydın. Our famous artist, who gave life to the character of "Luigi" in the movie, gave life to many famous Hollywood stars such as Silverston Stallone, in addition to his acting performance in Turkish comedy series and theater.
Erdal Tosun- Fillmore
cars voiceover we conclude our artists with Erdal Tosun. Our artist who gives voice to the character of the movie "Fillmore"; He took part as an actor in the most successful projects of the Turkish film industry such as “GORA, Vizontele Tuba, Organized Works, Heart Wound, A Demet Theater and Instrument Cengi”. Erdal Tosun, the beloved face of Turkish television screens, left us in 2016, leaving us with a deep sadness.
Cars 2 Voice Over Squad
Cars 2, the sequel to the American comedy-adventure animated film, was released in 2011. This movie of the series deals with a series of events that happened to Lightning Mcqueen and his close friend Mater. Mcqueen, who won the Piston Cup, continues to participate in the races in Cars 2, while his friend Mater helps a British agent named Finn McRocket and suddenly finds himself in the world of spies.
In the second movie of the series, just like in the first movie Turkish voiced by Simsek Mcqueen our artist Yekta Breakout is happening. Osman Gidişoğlu, who is among the cast of Cars dubbing, also gives voice to the character of Mater. The character of Sally is being portrayed again with Berna Başer. It is seen that many of our master artists such as Cem Yılmaz took part in the Turkish dubbing of Arabalar 2 movie.
The names of the Turkish dubbing cast of the movie Arabalar 2 are listed as follows:
Cem Yilmaz - Francesco Bernoulli
We know Cem Yılmaz, one of the popular names of the screens, both for his films and for his stage performances. The master artist shows his skills in dubbing and dubbing. cars voiceover succeeded in being included in the staff. In addition to Cars, Cem Yılmaz has also voiced many Walt Disney movies.
Ali Gul – Finn McRocket
From Eddie Murphy to Gargamel and Robert De Niro, he made many movie characters and actors talk. Ali Gül took part in the cast of "Cars" in the second movie of the series "Finn McRocke".He voiced the car that played the agent character t.
Smiling Karaman – Holly Shiftwell
Gülen Karaman, who passed through the Dormen Theater, entered the voice-over industry with the guidance of his master Çetin İpekkaya. The famous artist, who has given his voice to many TV series and movie characters such as the character of Firdevs in the "Aşk-ı Memnu" series, made the character of "Holly Shiftwell" speak by taking part in the voice cast of Arabalar.
Altug Yucel -Sir Miles Axlerod
Altuğ Yücel, who stepped into the dubbing and dubbing industry in 1990, has given voice to many commercials until today. Altuğ Yücel, one of Turkey's most famous voice actors, Cars movie voice actors He played the character of "Sir Miles Axlerod".
Murat Atıl – Brent Mustangburger
Murat Atıl, who also shows his experience as an announcer in the field of voice acting, has been dubbing in many film and commercial projects since 1986. Our artist, who combines Turkish accent and intonation rules with his skills as an announcer. cars voiceover In the second movie of the animated series, he gave voice to the character of "Brent Mustangburger".
Ufuk Bigay – Professor Z
Ufuk Bigay, who Turkey started to know with the nickname “Mr. Tango”, shook the music world with the albums he released since the early 1990s. Our artist, who started to do voiceovers in the animation industry with the movie Madagascar, which was released in 2005, cars dubbing cast He played the character of "Professor Z" in it.
What is the Subject of the Cars Movie Series?
Cars animated series is about the action and comedy-filled events of Lightning Mcgueen and his friends. In the first movie of the series, Lightning Mcgueen, who goes to California for the Piston Cup, falls from the vehicle carrying him and comes to Radiator Town. Lightning Mcgueen's life begins to change, thanks to his new friends Mater, Sally and Hudson Hornet, whom he meets in this town.
Our character, who managed to participate in the race in California, feels great sadness because he left behind the memories he lived in Radiator Town. Just as he was about to lose the race, the course of the race starts to change when his friends in Radiator Town come to the track and help Lightning Mcgueen.
Other films in the Cars series deal with the interesting events that befell Lightning Mcgueen and his best friend Mater in Radiator Town. In the second movie of the series, while Lightning Mcgueen participates in the races in Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, his friend Mater finds himself in unexpected situations and enters the world of agents.
The American comedy-action animated series, whose first film was released in 2006, caused great repercussions all over the world and led to its dubbing. We have dubbing artists, many of whom we know and whose voices we admire, in the voice cast of the film, which is also dubbed in our country. What we share in cars voiceover most of our artists in our soundbank exists. It is the most suitable option for you to take your projects to the next level.soundYou can easily find ”i with BiberSA Production privilege. After all, our work is sound!