How to Give "Emotion" in Ad Texts?

soulful reading for ad texts

How to Give "Emotion" in Ad Texts?

The advertisements we frequently see on television and online are not suitable for being very long due to their duration. In addition, the shorter the text, the more effective the ad and the higher the viewing rate. Positive feedback about the advertisement also directly affects the publication budget of the advertisement.

In such short and effective texts, emotions such as happiness, surprise or sadness come to the fore while expressing the emotion. In advertising texts based on the basic emotions found in people, copywriting comes into play after the emotion to be conveyed is determined.

Especially in advertisements where the feeling of happiness stands out, the scene of happiness directly affects the consumer. The consumer, who sees that the actor in the advertisement is happy with his face and actions, experiences a withdrawal against that brand.

So, how is emotion given in ad texts? What should be paid attention to? In this article, we will talk about the transfer of emotion from advertising texts.

Text Preparation for Emotional Intonation: What Is Emotional Text?

Short texts that make up short commercials such as campaigns and announcements in television advertisements are defined as advertisement texts.. In particular, the emotion that is emphasized in the advertisement text should reach the other party, that is, the consumer.

The fact that the texts that make up the advertisements have an emotional structure are aimed at creating the relationship between the customer and a brand or product. Advertising texts containing emotions aim to return the effect as action, just like in other advertisements. Emotional texts that directly affect the consumer's decisions act as a trigger and enable them to approach the purchase.

How to Choose Appropriate Words and Expressions for Emotional Intonation?

Knowing the power of emotional appeal, brands or companies address the emotion they want the consumer watching the ad to feel. The texts prepared for advertisements that resonate with the relevant target audience undertake the most important task here. It is very important to choose the appropriate words and expressions to reach the relevant emotion. At this point, while making emotional tones, the sentences that lead to action and contain imperative mood are given with an activating tone. 

Behind ads that are engaging, informative, or emotional, there is always a tone that grabs the viewer's attention. Although different tones come into play at this stage, the emotional tone of an ad shows how the brand communicates with the target audience. Determining a relevant or friendly tone in ad texts depending on the targeted audience contributes to the formation of emotional bond.

In general, the intonations used by the brands when addressing the consumer; we come across as friendly, informative, fun, insightful, motivating and stimulating. When choosing words and expressions suitable for the consumer, information about pricing, contact information and product availability is included at the end of the advertisement text. Phrases such as “Start shopping now, get %.. get discounted, subscribe” are used for a call to action that clearly tells the audience what to do. 

emotion in advertising texts

Preparing the Text in accordance with the Target Audience and Purpose

The process of preparing and voicing advertisement texts takes place in coordination with each other. More activating action sentences should be included in the advertisement texts to be used in the advertisement film. In such texts, first of all, the target audience is determined, and the actionable sentences and intonations suitable for the relevant target are decided.

Advertising texts should be voiced with strong expressions and a dominant narrative. In advertising voiceovers where diction, emphasis and intonation are important, the artist's performance in accordance with the spirit of the brand to which he will speak plays an active role in reaching the target audience.

Text-to-Speech Rehearsals: Voiceover Director's Influence on the Text

In addition to the suitability of the texts written for the commercials for the advertisement and the project, it is necessary to pay attention to different factors. At this stage, the voiceover director steps in to check the suitability of the written text. The voiceover director, who is involved in the text-to-speech rehearsals, contributes to the inclusion of the text in the project in its best form. 

When a voiceover director is included in the ad copy, it affects many factors, especially the language that will be used there. The voice-over director, who takes an active role in the advertising processes; draws attention to how it should be in terms of dialect, accent, dialect, voice, emotion and expression. At the same time, it also performs the necessary adaptations in the advertisement text and film, if needed.


Emotional Voiceover Methods

The art of voice acting is a field that produces perfect works when performed by professional and experienced people. The professionalism of the voice actor directly affects the process, especially when it comes to advertising work. The diction factor is as important as accentuating and intonation in the appropriate place in order to reveal an emotional work in commercial vocalizations that process a certain emotion.

A good voice actor should make the transitions between sentences professionally in the text he reads.. At this stage, the most important complement of emotional transitions is emphasis and intonation. In many studies, the voice actor; While performing the vocalization, it should make sounds such as laughing, crying or shouting. For voice actors, it is as important to maintain the health of the voice as it is to perform emotional voiceovers.

Voice actors, who are the sought-after voice of advertising texts, should include various exercises and techniques in their daily life in order to maintain vocal health. For this, methods such as diaphragm breathing exercises, warm-up, long and upright posture are applied. Since these techniques are also used in voice and diction works, they enable artists to achieve a versatile development. For more information on this Sound Protection Techniques Check out our content.

Reading with emotion for advertising texts

Being able to convey emotion to text with emphasis and intonation

Intonation, which is important for vocalization studies, provides more meaning than the semantic content of the speech in some cases.. In particular, it gives a positive effect to the message desired to be given in advertising works.

In addition to adding meaning to the advertising work, intonation also plays an important role here. When voicing ad texts, it is important where the emphasis is placed in the sentence. Depending on where the emphasis is, the meaning of advertising speech can change completely. In order to best convey the emotion and meaning of the sentence, emphasis and intonation must be done in the right place.

Using Elements such as Tone, Volume, and Rhythm

This power of emotion is often used in advertising work. However, the existence of more elements is needed for the emotions and thoughts to reach the consumer. Concepts such as tone, volume and rhythm are at the top of these..

  • A professional voiceover artist must capture a tone that is appropriate for the work and purpose he is in.: At this stage, depending on the purpose of the study, the tone of the voice should be low, high or high and low. This is where the sound volume, which takes up a large space in advertising voiceovers, comes into play.
  • Sound volume is related to the loudness of the sound. At the same time, the sound volume, which indicates that the sound is more efficient, appears in many projects in advertising voiceovers. The sound volume indicates the places where the artist needs to make a louder sound in the commercial.
  • The concept of rhythm, which is important in advertising voiceovers, is one of the harmony that artists need to catch. Basically, rhythm focuses on the regular repetition of length or sound features, pauses in the text to be voiced. Sound conformity arising from these regular sound repetitions creates the rhythm of the text.

To get more details about the tone of voice, which is one of the important elements of voice-over studies, "What is the tone of voice and tone of voice in voiceover to our article you can take a look.

Techniques for Increasing the Effect of Emotional Transference

There are important techniques that the voice actor should pay attention to in order for the advertising texts to be read emotionally. An artist who pays attention to the above-mentioned details can easily convey emotion in advertising texts. Here are the techniques that can be applied to increase the effect of emotional transfer;

  1. Emphasis on Text: Accent reading of the text in advertising voiceovers is a technique needed to give the best meaning of the speech.
  2. Changing the Tone: The artist performing the art of voice acting must change the tone of voice to suit the work he is in. It means that the artist speaks in a low or high tone depending on the ad copy.
  3. Use of Breath Exchange: A good voice actor reads the text without interruption and in the desired tone while performing the voiceover. It is also possible for the voice actors to use the breath effectively and correctly by doing breathing exercises.
  4. Matching the Stress to the Tone: Attention should be paid to the emphasis and intonation in the advertising texts, as well as the harmony between them. The voice actor, who adds value to the word with emphasis during reading, should also not skip the intonation that should be in the text.
  5. Deceleration and Acceleration Techniques: During the voiceover, there is a need for slowing down or speeding up, depending on the course of the sentences in the ad text. At this point, the artist should switch to slow or fast reading by staying true to the text and capturing the integrity.
  6. Using a Natural and Intimate Toning: Although advertising texts focus on mobilizing the consumer, they should be voiced in a natural and sincere tone. The voice actor, who rehearses the text beforehand, focuses on intonations that will convey the emotion in the advertisement text to the other side.
  7. Correct Preparation of an Emotional Text : The voice actor continues the transitions professionally by capturing the emotion between the sentences in the text he reads. It should not be forgotten that emphasis and intonation are the best complements when it comes to emotional texts.

Emotional Dubbing and Sound Effects

Sound design comes into play along with the editing and conversion of sounds in various formats in digital environments. Designer in the sound design process; makes arrangements for needs with human voices, music and effects. We often see sound design in areas such as television, cinema, radio content, video games and mobile applications.

Other sounds are not added during the advertisement work so that the voice-over is done naturally and perfectly. After shooting, the sound effects needed in the advertisement are prepared by the sound designer. It is then added to the commercial to ensure a clean transfer.

You can reach the details you wonder about sound effects on our sound design service page. 

The Importance of Emotional Dubbing

A voice actor who voices over emotion-focused text should maintain the same emotion during dubbing. However, even if the language changes here, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of emotion in the advertisement text. While conveying the emotion in the original language to the target audience, there should be no change in the emotion. 

In some cases, subtitle preference comes into play in dubbing visual content for advertising purposes. In a study that specifically targets the hearing impaired, dubbing is often added to the advertisements.

The content that passes the customer's approval comes to the studio stage with the voice actor for dubbing. Here, dubbed and synchronized video is used with or without subtitles. The dubbing process focuses on preserving and conveying the main emotion in all advertisement works where emotion is intended to be given.

Creating Emotion with Sound Effects and Music Selection

Sound design, which is frequently used in feature films, television, commercials and video games, occupies a large place in the media industry. Sound effects, which are added to the advertising works, are a part of the sound design process.

The sound design is performed after the advertising texts are voiced. Thanks to the music added to the project, emotion was added to the commercial film, which was voiced.r. With the sound design that makes it easy to create emotion, it is ensured that the advertising texts arouse emotions, revive memories and appeal to the target audience.

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