Ice Age Voice Cast: Ice Age 2 and Ice Age 3 Turkish Voice Cast

Ice Age Voice Cast: Ice Age 2 and Ice Age 3 Turkish Voice Cast

It is known that this adventure-filled film, in which mammals struggle to survive on ice, was nominated in many branches and received various awards. One of the most important awards that Ice Age has received is the Kansas City Film Critics Award, which it won in 2003. The Ice Age movie, which consists of six series in total, is about a new event in each series. Ice Age voice cast and offers the audience a wonderful experience with its variety of characters. Funny and emotional moments await the audience in this series featuring famous voice actors and actors.

Drawing attention to the period when the world began to be covered with ice, Ice Age focuses on the adventures of a group of mammals that survived the ice age. This movie, which was previously presented to 20th Century Fox by producer Lori Forte in 1997, was moved to a different point by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman's Fox Animation Studios. The Ice Age movie, in which comedy and adventure are intertwined, was shown among the best animated films that left their mark on a period. 

This animated film, which has been moved to another point with the performance of famous voice actors, appears in many languages. completed in English Ice Age Turkish voice cast brings together many famous names. Here are the names in the voice cast of the Ice Age movie… 

ice age voice castIce Age Voice Squad

The voice cast of Ice Age created their own dialogues during the recording, creating an impromptu work. Since some of the lines in the movie were improvised by the actors, the Ice Age movie became much more entertaining. 

Here is the legendary voice cast of Ice Age

  • Ray Romano – Manfred : Ali Poyrazoğlu 
  • John Leguizamo – Sid: Yekta Kopan
  • Denis Leary – Diego: Haluk Bilginer
  • Goran Visnjic- Soto: Hakkı Ergök
  • Jack Black- Zeke: Atilla Şendil 
  • Stephen Root – Frank /Start: Mazlum Kiper
  • Diedrich Bader- Saber-Toothed Tiger: Aziz Gungor 
  • Translator – Gülseren Bayındır 



Ice Age 2 voice castIce Age 2: Melting Begins Voice Over 

Manny the woolly mammoth, Smilodon Diego and the three-toed sloth Sid, who appeared in the first series of Ice Age, continue their adventures in this movie. In the Melting Begins series, the escape of the characters living in the valley from the flood that will occur with the melting is handled. Ice Age 2 voice cast and presents a new adventure to the audience with the wonderful harmony of the characters. 

Ice Age 2: In The Meltdown Begins, Manfred (mammoth) continues on his way with the dream of meeting someone of his own kind. New adventures await Manfred and the others, who meet Ellie when she begins to believe that she is the last mammoth left on earth. In the continuation of the movie, which started with the escape from the flood, Scrat (mongoose) continues to chase the acorn as in the previous series. Here, it is voiced in many languages. Ice Age 2 Turkish voice cast 

  • Ray Romano – Manny: Ali Poyrazoğlu
  • John Leguizamo- Sid: Yekta Kopan
  • Denis Leary- Diego: Haluk Bilginer
  • Queen Latifah- Ellie: Ayça Bingöl 
  • Seann William Scott – Crash: Plate of Hope 
  • Josh Peck – Eddie: Ahmet Tasar
  • Will Arnett - Gunslinger Vulture: Hakkı Ergök 
  • Jay Leno – Fast Tony: Gazanfer Ündüz
  • Clea Lewis - Dwarf Miskin: Ozge Catikkas
  • Alex Sullivan – James: Honor Crush
  • Tom Fahn – Stu: Emin Yaraç


ice age 3 voice castIce Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 

Combining animation, adventure and comedy Ice Age 3 This series is about brand new events. The characters who challenged the melting glaciers in Ice Age 3, which met with the audience in 2009, are now fighting against dinosaurs. Scrat, who appears as the mascot of the movie, still manages to make the audience laugh by chasing the acorn. 

Ice Age 3 voice cast As in the other series, it appears again with the same names. Combining the talent of acting with the art of voice acting, the artists create a flawless work in Ice Age. 

As Manny and Ellie wait for their little baby to be born, exciting developments take place in the background. Having found dinosaur eggs, sluggish Sid thinks he has started a family with the hatchlings. However, with the dinosaurs in trouble in the future, Ice Age 3 moves to a different point. 

Featuring famous voice actors such as Haluk Bilginer and Altan Erkekli, Ice Age appears as a successful Turkish dubbing example.  Here is Ice Age 3 Turkish voice cast

  • Ray Romano- Manny: Ali Poyrazoğlu 
  • John Leguizamo- Sid: Yekta Kopan
  • Denis Leary – Diego: Haluk Bilginer 
  • Seann William Scott – Crash: Plate of Hope
  • Josh Peck – Eddie: Ahmet Tasar
  • Queen Latifah – Ellie: Ayça Bingöl
  • Simon Pegg – Buck: Altan Manli
  • Carlos Saldanha – Baby Dino: Asli Tandogan 

Ice Age A Christmas Adventure voice castIce Age: A Christmas Adventure 

Ice Age Christmas Adventure In the movie, completely different adventures are waiting for the audience with the new year stone. In this movie, events begin when the mischievous Sid character accidentally breaks Manny's heirloom Christmas stone. So Sid, who is on Santa's naughty list, decides to set out for the North Pole to correct his mistake. Excited to save the New Year's stone Ice Age Christmas voice cast and is the guest of another adventure with all its characters. Here is the voice cast of the Ice Age Christmas Adventure movie… 

  • Ray Romano – Manny: Mazlum Kiper 
  • John Leguizamo – Sid: Yekta Kopan
  • Denis Leary – Diego: Ayhan Kahya
  • Queen Latifah – Ellie: Ayça Bingöl
  • Seann William Scott – Crash: Plate of Hope
  • Josh Peck – Eddie: Ahmet Tasar 
  • Ciara Bravo – Peaches: Duru Atlihan
  • TJ Miller – Prancer: Özgür Özdural
  • Billy Gardell – Santa: Engin Alkan

Ice Age Continental Separation Voice CastIce Age 4: Continental Drift 

In this series, Manny, Diego and Sid are separated from the others and drifted to another continent due to a natural disaster. Ice Age 4 The audience is the guest of the adventures of these three characters in the new continent. Trying to build a ship from an iceberg, our heroes set off on an epic sea voyage. Ice Age 4 voice cast It creates a flawless work by adding new artists to the artists that continue throughout the series. 

Here, Ice Age 4 Turkish voice cast …

  • Ray Romano – Manny: Ali Poyrazoğlu
  • Queen Latifah – Ellie: Özden Ayyıldız 
  • Denis Leary – Diego: Haluk Bilginer 
  • John Leguizamo – Sid: Yekta Kopan 
  • Keke Palmer – Peaches: Ecem Uzun 
  • Seann William Scott – Crash : Hope Plate 
  • Josh Peck – Eddie: Ahmet Tasar
  • Jennifer Lopez – Shira : Ezgi Bakkan
  • Josh Gad -Louis: Fatih Ozkul 
  • Aziz Ansari – Squint: Aydogan Temel
  • Joy Behar – Eunice: Fatoş Ceylan 
  • Eddie 'Piolin' Sotelo – Uncle Fungus: Hüseyin Özay
  • Peter Dinklage – Captain Gutt: Fatih Özacun
  • Aubrey Graham- Ethan: Emrullah Uzun
  • Nick Frost – Flynn: Gökçe Özyol 
  • Ben Gleib – Marshall: Buğra Gülsoy
  • Nicki Minaj – Steffie : Asli Tandogan
  • Heather Morris – Katie: Ozge Catikkas 
  • Kunal Nayyar – Gupta: Çağlar Çorumlu 
  • Wanda Sykes- Granny: Ayşe Tunaboylu
  • Nicki Minaj – Steffie: Asli Tandogan
  • Alan Tudyk – Milton: Murat Aydin
  • Alain Chabat – Silas: Hakan Altuntaş
  • Rebel Wilson – Raz: Didem Atlihan

Ice age big crash voice castIce Age 5: Big Crash Voice Squad

Ice Age 5 It begins with Scrat's never-ending acorn chase. Scrat's ongoing acorn pursuit throughout the series goes out of the world this time. Struggling with bad luck and coincidences, Scrat starts the chain of events that can destroy the world on this occasion. Ice Age 5 voice cast Umut Tabak continues to give life to the character of Scrat with his magnificent voice in this series. 

At work Ice Age 5 Turkish voice cast Other names included… 

  • Ray Romano – Manny : Ali Poyrazoğlu
  • John Leguizamo – Sid: Yekta Kopan
  • Denis Leary – Diego: Haluk Bilginer
  • Simon Pegg – Buck: Altan Manli
  • Simon Pegg-Buck: Ete Kurttekin
  • Queen Latifah – Ellie : Zeynep Özden Ayyıldız
  • Keke Palmer – Peaches: Ecem Uzun
  • Melissa Rauch – Francine: Didem Baris Atlihan
  • Seann William Scott – Crash: Plate of Hope
  • Josh Peck – Eddie: Ahmet Tasar
  • Jesse Tyler Ferguson – Shangri Llama: Barış Özgenç
  • Adam Devine – Julian: Tibetan Customs
  • Nick Offerman – Gavin: Fatih Özacun
  • Stephanie Beatriz – Gertie: Mehpare Divrik 
  • Max Greenfield – Roger: Battle Pat
  • Jennifer Lopez – Shira: Sabanur Aksoy
  • Wanda Sykes – Grandma: Ayşe Tunaboylu
  • Jessie J – Brooke: Hazal Erdal
  • Jessie J – Brooke: Ilay Honey
  • Michael Strahan – Teddy: Özgür Özdural

BiberSA in the Sound Bank You can review the dubbing artists. You can find the dubbing artist suitable for your project in the Sound Bank, which contains thousands of sounds.

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