Who is Müge Oruçkaptan

who is muge fastkaptan

Who is Müge Oruçkaptan

Famous for his voice-over art and acting. Who is Müge Oruçkaptan?

Müge Oruçkaptan He is one of the famous artists who stand out with his theatrical and actor identity.. Oruçkaptan, who has a theater background, has taken its place in minds with his success in the field of voice acting. Müge Oruçkaptan, known as a movie and TV actress, also served as a presenter in private television channels. The famous voice actor, who has shaped his career in TRT studios, has started to take part in more projects in the field of voiceover in the following periods. Müge Oruçkaptan, who has been working in front of and behind the screen for many years, has also become one of the sought-after names of television series.

Famous actress and voice actor Müge Oruçkaptan has appeared before the audience with different roles in the art community since 1993. Oruçkaptan, who has made a name for himself with many commercials, movies and TV series projects; She has been the voice of famous names such as Elizabeth Taylor and Catherine Zeta. Famous actress Müge Oruçkaptan first announced her name on television screens in 1995. He stepped into the world of television by being in the cast of the comedy and family film Mirasyedis, which was published in 1995. 

Muge Oruçkaptan's Life

Famous actress, presenter and voice actor Müge Oruçkaptan was born on September 1, 1957. Successful artist Oruçkaptan, now 66 years old, was born in Gölcük, Kocaeli. Known for her career in more than one field, Müge Oruçkaptan is a graduate of Gazi University, Technology Education Ceramics Department. Oruçkaptan, one of the master female voice actors, has shaped her career life with TRT studios after completing her university education. 

Müge Oruçkaptan worked as a presenter on TRT screens for a while. After his success there, the famous server switched to private television channels and took part in various programs. Müge Oruçkaptan, who took part in television series and feature films, later switched to dubbing for movies and series. Famous actor and artist Oruçkaptan met with the audience on the theater stages as well as on the screen. 

Oruçkaptan's most famous theater plays are "Vagina Monologues".. Müge Oruçkaptan played this theater play, which has an important place in her career, in 2003 at Çığır Sahne. 

Biography of Müge Oruçkaptan When we look at it, it is known that the famous artist had three marriages in total. Oruçkaptan's first wife, Iris Tolga Karakucuk, is born with a child from his first wife. Famous actress Oruçkaptan's son İris Tolga Karakuş also tends towards art just like her mother. It is known that Karakucuk, who took part in several TV series, mostly works in the field of voice acting. 

who is muge fastkaptan

Art Life of Müge Oruçkaptan

Müge Oruçkaptan, who started her presenting career on TRT screens, had the opportunity to work with different channels and programs within the same sector. After the famous presenter TRT, he also worked as a presenter on Business Channel TV.. Oruçkaptan, who later switched to the field of acting, entered various roles in many prominent films and series of the nineties. Oruçkaptan, who has been constantly improving and renewing himself throughout his artistic life, has also taken up the field of production. The famous name undertook the production of the movie Hotel Istanbul, which was shot in 2005. 

Master actor Oruçkaptan, who had a colorful and successful artistic life, played the leading role in the series adapted from Orhan Kemal's There Was a Filiz in 2001. Müge Oruçkaptan gave life to the character of Filiz, who played the leading role in this series, and worked with names such as Özgü Namal, Savaş Akova and Özlem Saraç. Continuing her acting career rapidly, Müge Oruçkaptan played the role of Suna in the Bücür Witch series, which left her mark on a period. 

Müge Oruçkaptan, who managed to fit many tasks and successes into her artistic life, has made a name for herself with her plays, movies and TV series projects. Müge Oruçkaptan, who is remembered with the films Longing, Deli Divane and İlk Aşk, has been on television for a long time.. We saw Oruçkaptan, who has been in the world of cinema recently, in the movie Wow, which was released in 2014. The famous name took on the role of the host in this movie. 

Here are the most important movies and TV series in which actress Müge Oruçkaptan takes part; 

  • Hope 
  • Two families 
  • Samyeli
  • Tirvana 
  • Squirt Witch 
  • There was a sprout 
  • Intizar 
  • Crazy Divane 
  • Face of Sadness 
  • Separation 
  • Longing 
  • Lover in Memories 

As a Voice Over Artist: Who is Müge Oruçkaptan?

Müge Oruçkaptan, who is still in the cinema and TV series industry, and by switching to the dubbing industry, many productions Turkish voice over has undertaken. Famous voice actor Oruçkaptan has become one of the most sought after names in Turkish dubbing of foreign films. Müge Oruçkaptan, who is among the masters of the art of voice acting, has been engraved in the memories with the voice of Julianne Moore in the movie "Fire Nights". Oruçkaptan, known as the Turkish voice of Elizabeth Taylor films, has appeared before the audience in the voice cast of many prominent films. 

Here are the productions and roles that Müge Oruçkaptan gave life with her voice… 

  • The wedding kiss – Angela Featherstone 
  • Hot Nights – Julianne Moore
  • Corpses in the Crooked House – Christina Hendricks 
  • Redemption – Vanessa Redgrave 
  • Cobra Tracking – Carina Wiesa 
  • Lucifer-Rachael Harris 
  • Skyrunners – Linda Kash 
  • Showgirls – Elizabeth Berkley 
  • Path of Revenge – Charlotte Rose 
  • In the Shadow of the Past – Beverly D'angelo 


Who Sang by Müge Oruçkaptan?

Müge Oruçkaptan is one of the famous voice actors who have been operating in the field of voice acting for many years. Oruçkaptan, who has been in the Turkish voice cast of many TV series and movies, is now known by some names. Here are the foreign actors and roles played by Müge Oruçkaptan for a long time … 

Michelle Pfeiffer: Michelle Pfeiffer takes part in the movie Dark Shadows, which is about the curse of Barnabas, who lived a wonderful life, by a witch. Famous actress Michelle Pfeiffer plays the character of Elizabeth Collins in this movie. Pfeiffer's Turkish voice over in the film is undertaken by Müge Oruçkaptan. 

Glenn Close: Glenn Close The life of the Leonides family, which leads a happy life, is changed radically when their grandfather is murdered with an insulin injection. Gleen Close appears before the audience as Lady Edith in this movie about a murder investigation. It is performed by Müge Oruçkaptan with the Turkish voice-over of Glen Close. 

Elizabeth Taylor: Müge Oruçkaptan is a famous voice actor known for her voice as Elizabeth Taylor in the voice-over field. We often see Müge Oruçkaptan in the Turkish dubbing of the films starring Elizabeth Taylor. 

Elizabeth Perkins: Famous voice actor Oruçkaptan also took part in the voice cast of Stone Age, which marked an era. Müge Oruçkaptan gave the voice to Wilma Flintstone of the Stone Age. The famous name playing Wilma Flintstone is Elizabeth Perkins. 

Contact from Müge Oruçkaptan

Müge Oruçkaptan, who is the face of television series and movies, has managed to improve herself in many areas throughout her career. Oruçkaptan, who has been behind the screen recently, has participated in dubbing works for many movies and series. Müge Oruçkaptan, one of the sought-after female voices in foreign films, still continues her voice-over works at BiberSA Production. 

Famous voice actor Müge Oruçkaptan continues to be the invisible face of brands, movies and TV series. Oruçkaptan, one of the masters of the art of voice acting, accompanies the voice-over projects of the brands under the leadership of BiberSA Production. To access the demo works of Müge Oruçkaptan BiberSA Production website or BiberSA Youtube You can visit the channel.

One of the prominent female voice actors Contact from Müge Oruçkapi You can contact us by clicking the button below to install and access the demo works.

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