How Are Radio Advertising Prices Determined?
In the advertising industry, one of the most frequently asked questions is: "How are radio advertising prices determined?" . Actually, this question has no fixed value. For example, it cannot be said that the radio advertisement prices will be 1.000 TL for 2023 or the maximum will be 20.000 TL. A radio advertisement can be as cheap as 1 TL or as expensive as 200,000 TL because radio advertisement prices are determined by the project and the purpose of the project. In this case, it is determined how many people the message reaches and whether there are qualifications that can pay a special price to this audience.
Why Are Radio Advertising Prices Variable? What Factors Affect Radio Advertising?
Radio stations are divided into three groupings as having local, regional and national broadcasting licenses, and many different factors come into play when charging stations for advertising spots. The main factors in radio advertising costs are:
- How many people will listen: A station's visitor rate also determines how many people will hear your ad. Therefore, more payment requests will come for a station with a large number of listeners. Popularity is the most important factor that determines radio advertising prices.
- Average age of station listeners: Some target groups are more popular with advertisers than others. For example, adults aged 25-54. Be prepared to demand higher payouts for stations with audiences in this age range.
- Competitiveness with other advertisers: If many different businesses want to advertise at the same time, the station may raise prices. This may occur, for example, during the holiday season, special days or festive weeks.
- Type of Program: Radio stations offer different types of programmes. The popularity of a particular program can affect the advertising price. For example, the advertising price of a sports program may be higher due to its popularity.
- Broadcast Time: Radio ad prices may vary depending on the airtime. For example, a longer ad duration may have a higher price.
- Region where the ad will be published: The region where the ad will run may affect the ad price. For example, a radio ad that airs in major cities may have a higher price.
- Advertising Day and Time: Advertising prices can be high during busy periods such as weekends or special holidays. Also, the time the ad will run can affect the price. For example, ads that run outside of business hours may be more expensive.
- Ad Duration: The length of time the ad will run can also affect the price. Longer duration ads may have a higher price.
In the above factors, it is necessary to focus on the radio advertisement time frame. The visiting hours of the radios differ according to the lives of individuals. However, at least an average could be determined with the statistics made on this subject. With the measurements made between 07:00 and 10:00 in the morning and between 17:00 and 20:00 in the evening, which are called ODT (Off Drive Time) and DT (Drive Time) for national radios and known as "prime time" in the television industry. These are the hours when radio listening habits are found to be the busiest. These hours are the hours when there is traffic time especially for Istanbul. In addition to these, there is a noon zone between 10:00 and 17:00- and a night zone between 20:00 and 03:00. The advertising budgets of these four broadcasting generations differ.
How are Radio Advertising Prices Calculated?
In radios, the price per second is determined when advertising prices are determined, and if we remember the factors affecting the cost mentioned above, we can say that whichever station has a high listening rate (on an average of one month), the second unit price of that radio is expensive.
For example; We want to broadcast a 30-second spot prepared for company A on B radio 10 times a day. The formula in this case is as follows;
- Cost/Daily = A (30-second spot) * B (radio second unit price) * C (repetitions per day)
Based on this formula, you can calculate your monthly advertising budget.
The pricing we have mentioned so far was on the broadcasting costs of radio advertisements. However, it should not be forgotten that there will be a production cost as well as the publication cost of the advertisements. In this process, written for the brand / product / service ad text One voice actor It will be voiced by and then musicalized and made ready for broadcast. There are radio advertising packages specially prepared for local, regional and national radios by the voice-over agencies to be worked with in this process.
BiberSA Production can serve you during the entire production and broadcasting process of the advertisement projects you want to prepare for local, regional and national radios. For the necessary information, you can contact us from the contact section of our website.